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How to add Custom Fields to Consumables?
How to add Custom Fields to Consumables?

How to add and remove custom fields for consumables

Updated over a week ago

Adding Custom Fields to a Consumable

To begin with, you need to create (or update) the Custom Field you'd like to use, by clicking on the Profile Icon in the top right corner, then on Settings, then click on the Custom Fields link in the left menu bar.

If the custom field already exists, make sure it's enabled for Consumables, by clicking on Edit, switching the Enable toggle on, and clicking Save.

If it's a new custom field, then click on the Add button to create a new one.

Start by giving the custom field a name and selecting what type of field it should be.

These are the types of custom fields you can create:

  • Text Field

  • Text Area (Multi-line)

  • Number Field

  • Dropdown List

  • Checkbox

  • Date Field

To add options to a Dropdown List custom field, you just need to fill out the Dropdown List Content field with the options separated by a comma, like: Green, Black, White, Red

You can also choose if it should be a required field or not.

Then, scroll down on the same page and select which data types you'd like the field to be enabled for.

It's enabled for all data types by default, but you can disable it for all the data types that you won't be using the custom field for. At a minimum, you need to leave it enabled for Consumables.

You can also choose if the custom field should be a default field or not.

If you want the custom field to be added to all your consumables, for example; fields like Shelf Location which are relevant for all consumables, then enable the Default Field for Consumables toggle, and save it. Click here for the Default Field guide section.

If you don't want the custom field to be added to all your consumables, for example; fields like Color which are only relevant for some consumables, then leave the Default Field for Consumables toggle disabled, and save it. Click here for the Non-Default Field guide section.

Default Custom Field

Once you save the custom field, you can see that it immediately shows up in all your consumables.

If you only wanted to add a default custom field, you can stop reading the guide here. The remaining content is for non-default custom fields.

Non-Default Custom Field

If you don't want the custom field to be added to all your consumables, for example fields like Color which are only relevant for some consumables, then leave the Default Field toggle disabled for the custom field, and save it.

In order to add the custom field you just created to a consumable, you'll need to add the custom field to the category the consumable is using. That way, it will appear for all consumables using that specific category.

Let's add a custom field to the consumable below, Canon 580 PGBK Printer Ink.

Start by clicking on the category of the consumable.

Now, click on the Edit button.

Scroll down on the page until you see the Custom Fields section, and select the custom field that you just created. This custom field will then appear for all consumables using this category.

In this example, we've added one custom field: Color.

Once you've selected the custom field, scroll down and click on the Save button. Then, go back to the consumable page and click on Edit Consumable.

After scrolling down to the bottom of the page, we can see that the custom field we added is now visible and can be filled out for the consumable!

Once we've filled out the custom field and saved, we can see that it now appears for the consumable!

Removing Custom Fields from a Consumable

In order to remove a custom field from a consumable, you just need to go back to the Custom Fields section of the Edit Category page, de-select the custom field from the dropdown, and click Save.

If the custom field is a default custom field, you just need to disable the Default Custom field toggle in the Custom Field section in the Settings.

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